Thursday, 8 August 2013




  1. i must have been Japanese in another life for i am at home in enclosed spaces; my mind is, after all, just a series of narrow passageways, always constricting, till on some day, where shadows are violet and the sun burns as brightly as the eyes of a leopard, an opening offers a revelatory jest.

    1. oh
      what an amazing analogy, and of course spiced with colour poetry and most unexpected comparisons... all beginning with the stark geometry of japanese architecture (weren't you an architecture professor in a previous life?).

    2. Beautifully put, and precise, and thought provoking. Thank you! It is good to know that others see in this way. even down to the para-joke at the end. :-)

      Geist, google just does not get on with apple at all! Back ...

  2. liebste roxana, hier schicke ich dir ein kleines video:
    da findest du einer meiner drei liebsten musiker, der schweizer dirigent charles dutoit, der lange zeit chef eines japanischen orchesters (wusste lange gar nicht, dass es sowas gibt... :-)!)war und der hier über japan spricht; das, was er sagt, wird dir sicher gefallen :-). als ich dein bild sah, habe ich sofort an das video gedacht.
    ich schicke dir liebste gedanken, ich denke oft an dich und hoffe, es geht dir gut!

    1. ah meine sanfte Freundin, was fuer eine Ueberraschung! nicht nur dieses Video, aber die ganze Serie, die ich dadurch entdeckt habe, wo beruehmte Leute ueber ihre Japan-Eindruecke sprechen. ich habe mir ein paar davon angesehen (und auf diese Weise ueber eine andere beruehmte Musikerin erfahren, eine Violonist, die halb japanisch ist, sicherlich kennst Du sie schon :-) Anne Akiko Meyers...

      ich danke Dir herzlichst und schicke Dir spaetsommerliche Blumen in Gedanken :-)

    2. wie schön, dass du dich dafür interessierst! nein, anne akiko meyers habe ich nicht gekannt und ich muss dir gestehen, dass jazz eine musikrichtung ist, mit der ich mich überhaupt nicht anfreunden kann... und die messages from friends habe ich auch nicht gekannt, habe mir nur das video über charles dutoit, ein intelligenter, grossartiger und weiser musiker und mensch, angeschaut! :-)

  3. hi Roxana dear,beautiful!! yes home is where you are comfortable the shoes here seem almost brilliant with stardust beneath them to remind me of our magical homes also like my brilliant sky blue meditations by the valley where the moon is like a huge orange lamp a guiding light for my birthday month an antique that the universe has bequested and it leads me to recall a childhood memory of ballet lessons and we would step into what seemed to be a box of magical white powder of resin before the dance, the art magic.
    HUGS my beautiful friend.

    1. when is your birthday month, Madeleine? this month??? :-)

      this is the house of my japanese friend's old parents, in Takamatsu, i stayed there for a couple of days. i really felt at home, how strange this feeling, that i should feel so completely at home in such a different house, ambience, culture... but the people, i think, are what it matters most, and they surrounded me with such love and care that i couldn't help seeing them as my parents. the old mother said, on my first day there, that they had gained another daughter :-)

  4. when the moon is the most orange.october.
    that is beautiful regarding your friend's old parents.yes it is easy to love the parents of a close friend.we love them for what they are but also in sharing the heart of our friend.
    je t'embrasse chère amie.

  5. one of my favourites-si puteam sa jur ca am scris aici inca de cand am vazut-o,mi-a ramas in minte-si poate ca de asta,poate mintea mea a fost prea puternica,prea reala,ca sa mai scriu in real:)

    pe langa faptul ca ma incanta pana ma topesc casele japoneze,as dedica minute intregi fiecarui coltisor de acolo,nu pot pleca din acel hol,vreau sa stau acolo pana macar despre unul dintre drumuri voi fi aflat un gest. stiu ca e ,totodata,si o intalnire,insa cred ca as fi,mai degraba, tentata sa urmaresc destinul singular al unor pasi, al unei vointe-o multime m-ar stupefia:)

  6. It is true what he says about politeness (though there are other cultures with this courtesy aspect being central to their lives, of course. It's interesting that this is noted by musicians and architects, though, as those two are themselves very alike. And from Apter's mistaken notion of 'untranslatability!

    (Does the tree grow up from the ground or down from the light?)
