Sunday, 13 October 2013

nature, art and religion, becoming one

 photo templetree1_zps09632295.jpg

 photo templetree2_zpsa4135901.jpg

 photo templetree3_zpsd311848b.jpg



  1. da,de necrezut,intr-adevar,si poate ca devine,de fapt,mult mai mult decat o triada. si,in acelasi fel,cred ca oricati zei ai avea, iti vine sa iti spui acolo,in tacerea din tine ca astfel de lucruri sunt cu putinta inlesnite de proximitatea unui templu,asa cum doar tu il poti simti si lua in tine sub atatea forme.

    nu m-as mai satura,si nici nu cred ca o voi face vreodata,este tot ce poti dori intre acesti pereti,intre aceste linii,in acesti ochi:)

    1. a fost magic cumva, nu mai văzusem asemenea reflectări până acum, săraca Reiko înnebunise aşteptându-mă :-)

    2. sunt atat de frumoase imaginile acestea, cum totul se reflecta in tot. si in ferestrele obisnuite lumea se reflecta frumos, dar aici totul este incarcat de maiestuos si, cumva, sacru. ultima imagine m-a imbatat. o vreau si eu in format de print. ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. no, if i had, i wouldn't have probably posted this series :-) but as i have started, i might as well finish it. though it is true that i was thinking how it would have been had i travelled in spring or autumn... and also that a photographer, based in japan, having the possibility to follow and look for such reflections during a longer period of time might create a wonderful project about it. of course, it has already been done, as i had expected! :-) thank you for sharing those...

    2. those aren't reflections though, they are paintings by Ito Masatsugu

    3. amazing!!! i really thought they were photos!!!

  3. Absolutely extraordinary. Overwhelming. MTStowers

  4. Regarding the third one... has Blake been reincarnated as a Japanese artist?

  5. maybe...
    or maybe i had a vision, with my otherworldly eye :-)
