Tuesday, 24 December 2013

as wide as the earth

 photo birds1_zps0304ee66.jpg

 photo birds2_zpsc2924142.jpg



  1. . . . is love - / on the wings / of a free / bird.

    joy, love and magic for the holidays and all year around.
    Merry Christmas, dear Roxana. (((hugs)))

    1. thank you so much, dear Tanja, what a joy to find this message of love and magic here, i am terribly late in posting but it seems appropriate for today, for this beginning of the new year :-)

      many hugs, you too!

  2. ooooooooooooooh breathtakingly beautiful! peace on earth and peace to you and to our lives ahbeautiful the evergreen and red and the light of the prince of peace and the flight.
    thankyou my beautiful friend. it is christmas eve here and it was such a pleasure to open your journal and find this treasure of a post.
    another christmas embrace.
    merry christmas

    1. and happy new year to you as well, thank you for your warm and delightful wishes, madeleine, i am happy to have you here, on this red bridge :-) where the wings are wide and pure and the leaves evergreen :-)

      hugs and kisses, and joy!

  3. Our dreams take flight...humble, yet jewel-toned.

    1. this was my idea, too :-)

      thank you, Lynne...

  4. and merry christmas again my friend. It is awesome the way your words play with the photo.yes peace as wide as the earth. I love that!!
    HUGS and another christmas embrace

  5. and this second photo is so amazing. the soft texture of the wings spreading infinitely into a cloud like formation and the cascading evergreen...
    thankyou how deeply you have been inspired this christmas.
    hugs and love

    1. and i am happy to see you so inspired by my posts, dear Madeleine!!!
      it brings me so much joy, you know that...

  6. am tot privit acesti porumbei, si mi se pare ca nu s-ar putea epuiza niciodata speculatiile pe care noi,oamenii,le-am putea face pe seama zborului vreodata; stiu ca ei sunt gata de orice,gata sa fie una cu necuprinderea intunecata, gata sa se inalte,gata sa isi ia zborul chiar si din rosu! :) si mi se pare ca trupusorul lor nu poate fi unul din oase, ci din pospaiul unei zapezi care s-a intrupat intr-un porumbel doar fiindca ii este dor de casa,da,asa cred,oricum ar parea.

    1. ce frumos ai scris, despre albul si rosul lor, da, multumesc cea draga - mai am zborul lor, dar poate il pun pe bridge, este alb-negru, mai dramatic cumva, zic eu :-)

  7. Geist!!! How did you manage these!?? (-:
