Thursday, 13 June 2013

on the way to Kiyomizu-dera


  1. about Kiyomizu-dera:

    i took these photos in the small street full of restaurants and shops going up the hill till the place where the first temple gate stands.

  2. m-au fascinat inca de mica,ma uitam la filmele cu chinezi,acele cartiere intortocheate,atatea labirinturi in plina civilizatie,ceva atat de antitetic,ratacirea printre oameni...

    dar niciodata nu am vazut un munte urcand in prelungirea lor,ce "idee" minunata,asa mi se pare, sa ai acolo acele rauri verzi si toata forfota multimii,ca si cand ti s-ar intinde,dintr-odata,doua palme cu desene complet straine unul altuia,si totusi,liniile din palma...

    imi imaginez-lasa-ma,te rog,oricum ar parea- ca acolo traiesc oameni care se hranesc cu seva si uneori,dimineata,au frunze in par...

    1. daaa, şi pe mine la fel :-)
      e minunată străduţa, dar şi mai frumos este când ajungi sus unde încep templele, ele urcă mult înspre munte, pe şiruri de trepte, şi de acolo te uiţi înapoi în vale şi ce ai lăsat în spate, vezi totul, cu claritate, viaţa măruntă (şi teribilă!) în tot freamătul ei...

  3. these photographs take me up this small street full of restaurants and shops going up the hill, along your side. thank you for the wondrous journey!

    1. i thank you for accepting my invitation for this journey, Tanja :-)

  4. hello my beautiful friend, this is wonderful in black and white we are not distracted by colour the ascent to the temple of the soul is immediate.the tree leaves are beautiful streams of rough and soft texture at the same time preparing us for the ascent.
    kisses to you on a soft summer wind like the prayer at the gate of the temple.

    these signatures at blogger are no longer complex which renders the transformation facile wink.

    1. yes, i thought that these blogs aren't popular so they are not target for spam-servers like the bridge, so i thought i should give it a try with no-verification comments...

      raphaellae!!! that is a new and lovely name :-)

      "the ascent to the temple of the soul is immediate" - i am so glad that you feel that, that you said that! :-)

  5. After having had some time to think about the ohh, the perspective here is fascinating. You've created images which seem to play with the optical tricks formulated by da Vinci (so long as you have a mirror to hand, of course) and caught the causes of the pre-renaissance, with its aberrant optics and trade offs between realism and symbolism, perhaps. Or something along those lines. Also, the play between straight line, curve, and chaos (in the sense that a tree is chaotic, not un constrained).

  6. Is this wholly Buddhist or Shinto-Buddhist? Thanks for the background info, too.
