Tuesday 14 January 2014

moments of an afternoon walk

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  1. Walking, shoes worn to a thin membrane, searching in vain for the Danube.

    1. is this one of your wittiest comments, or what??? (i think it must be, i am still laughing :-)
      (though doesn't this always happen???)

      (she seems to be rather confused hmm)

  2. plimbarea de dupa-amiaza!:) - sau de seara,alteori,sau de dimineata,alteori :)
    ce mult as vrea sa avem asa ceva la noi,sa putem sa ne plimbam,adica,strajuite de acele paduri de...ce? de bambus? de orice ar fi, sa avem impresia aceea de surescitare placuta, incitanta si excitanta ca atunci cand te apropii de o padure, si esti doar un gand legat de padure,ca si cand prin creier ar circula ceva verde:)
    oh,vreau sa am plimb aici,asa...

    1. se pare ca sunt obsedata de plimbari zilele astea :-)

      de dimineata am fost in parc, oh cat de bine, cat de frumos a fost, de proaspat, nu am cunoscut niciodata parcul asa...

  3. Perhaps she's looking for a shortcut through the hedge, though she'll never fit through with her umbrella unfurled.
