Wednesday, 17 December 2014

everyday food rituals



  1. often i wonder this about your photographs, especially in regards to the first one - is it the universe arranging things like this, or you, the stripes of his shirt against the lines of the plates, in contrast to the ribbing of the door frame and the striations on the painted wall and on the wood, and then the gentle twist of lines on the cup engaged as the motion of it highlighting the ceremony, the consummation, and then the variegated coarseness of his hair! you or the universe? (and then, of course, between the first and the second photographs, the transition between barriers and realities.) and the answer must be you and the universe, there being continuity between the two, overlapping realities, your sensibility in choosing what we see a heightened lens of the larger truth.


  2. wie schön, dieses lichtdetail... und schön, dass du wieder etwas gepostet hast.

    mit einem lächeln... renée

  3. hello my beautiful friend.thankyou for another masterpeice.I can feel a lot of tension in this work. the final photo for me represents the lamp of examination the lamp of agonizing scrutiny. the black and white lends itself to this kind of tension because we are not distracted by the colour.

    actually this reminds me of my art. my photos and my digital paint brush are and extravagant dive into colour for me.but my minimal art in a calligraphic style is drawn with pen and black ink.I wanted to use the computer text and colour but I cant seem to get what I want in terms of colour so I am just giving up on this and saving the image and text in black and white and actually I see a powerful advantage in doing it this way.
    Hugs and snow kisses to you hmm let me see the kind of quiet snowflake not one that participates in a tumultous storm. haha.

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  5. nu am comentat, oare, aici? ba da, tin sigur minte,a m spus ca acest gen de lampi mi s-au parut intotdeauna perfecte pentru cum impart ele lumea in everyday si special cat de firecs facem toate aceste gesturi, ca si cand totul ar fi firesc pe lumea aceasta. ca si cum am invata totul teribil de incet, iar apoi s-ar derula cu mare repeziciune. nevoia de lumina, iar lumina ne impregneaza pe toti, firesc.
