Tuesday, 19 August 2014

a different background for green



  1. as if the green were a living wave, breaking on this shore, these grey cliffs ... sometimes i wonder how long it would take for the green to reclaim it all, if we were gone ...


  2. A different background for green. Certainly.
    But why put a tea cozy on a building? A trend in modern Japanese architecture?

  3. sau,daca ne uitam din partea padurii,un alt fel de fundal pentru verde:)-este cumva socanta, felul in care se interpun culorile, atat de neasteptat, ceva prafos si stiut, langa ceva pe care il gasim seara,privind un pahar cu apa limpede,rece...

  4. hi my beautiful friend. thankyou for another masterpeice.well this reminds me of the edifices that we construct in our mind well that is my dream for today and well I see one is underconstruction.that can be exhilirating or a bit of a downer it is probably best to do building inspections even before they are fully constructed in the mind haha.
    HUGS and LOVE
    have a beautiful day.

  5. Amazing pictures, looks so cool!
