Monday, 11 August 2014




  1. taken on the streets of Nara, the old capital of Japan (in the 8th century), nowadays a quiet, historical town full of ancient temples...

  2. hello my beautiful friend.thankyou for another masterpeice.your masterpeices make my head turn and my mind swerve like the fresh rejuvenating summer air.
    this is beautiful the ancient stone,the wood and the brilliant efflorescence of green-as it will always be.amen haha.
    sending you summer kisses.

    1. "as it will always be" :-) how true this is, dear Madeleine!!!

      august kisses, back to you

  3. ! nu vazusem aceasta imagine acum cateva secunde,cand scriam, la poemul cu scoicile, despre spontaneitatea acelui gest cu care pun ei fragilul vrut sa scriu langa un zid cenusiu, dar am zis ca e mai bine perdeaua nisipie-si uite aici cum te opresti,pe strada din Nara langa artar si ceva te face sa intarzii,sa mangai ,poate, artarul, sa te gandesti ce va fi sa fie daca va incepe o ploaie nestavilita

    1. pare neasteptat el acolo, dar cum te apleci spre el intelegi ca numai asa putea fi, si totul se incheaga, ca piesele unui puzzle...

      draga mea...

  4. And that potted maple may be held over from the 8th century, as these trees are known to grow, when in fine fettle, four or five centimeters every century or so.

    1. hehe

      i have to show you a photo of the little maple i brought with me from japan, it was just seedling last spring, as high as my finger :-) it's about the size of the one in the photo, now, though it doesn't have so many branches...

  5. In Japan scheinen den kleinen Details eine grosse Wichtigkeit beigeordnet zu sein, wie viel so eine einzelne Pflanze am rechten Platz ausmacht!... wirklich so schön...! Lieb grüsst Dich Renée.

  6. si comentariul meu aici tot nu a aparut... ;-(

    imi aduc aminte ce am scris, ceva despre cum nicicand nu m-as fi gandit sa pun astfel un copac, sau sa il privesc astfel. el poate aparea de nicaieri sa stilizeze lumea. este minunea la care nu ne asteptam, dar pe care o dorim, in fiecare dimineata.
    mi-as dori carari presarate astfel.
