Friday 8 August 2014

smiling forest, flooded with light



  1. this is not a forest, i tell myself, nor is it even a smiling forest flooded with light, although i don't have to tell myself this very sternly for i know it before i even say the words. (i think it is you who is smiling behind this photograph.) but what is frustrating is that i can not see precisely what it is. oh, the variations of foliage are trying to tell me something, the varied musculature of the trunks and limbs. but what?

    oh, i'm a fool, i'm sure. if i would stop asking for an answer it would simply be there - wordlessly.


    1. i was smiling too, as i was writing that title, i was thinking: it's silly to have this as a title, on one hand this is not true, the reality cannot be translated into these words, and on the other hand, paradoxically, it felt that the images conveyed exactly this, and so the words as title were superfluous :-)

      i was walking toward a small temple when i photographed these woods - the temple was very far away, and the road was long, dusty and hot, but i was absorbed in such landscapes. yet, i didn't make it to the temple, my feet, my body failed me. so i just sat there, somewhere, in the field, waiting for my friends to reach the temple and come back. i was completely happy in that field, though, that moment :-)

    2. ! so then it was you who was smiling behind the photograph! i thought so:)

      but seriously, i think it is impossible to be unwell in a field. or if it is possible to be unwell in a field then at least one is embraced by something there.

      (but then i reprimand myself for there are fields that have been ravaged by war, in other words, by man. there would be difficulties for the spirit there, i imagine.)

  2. ich habe vor kurzem eine elbenwald-zeichnung als hintergrundbild eingerichtet und siehe, du hast jetzt auch einen traumhaft, doch wahren wald hier veröffentlicht. diese helle reine landschaft und die stille, die von ihr ausgeht, machen wirklich freude. wie lebendig und schön diese bäume doch sind! ich danke dir und umarme dich! renée lächelnd aus den wolken blickend ... :-)!

    1. aber ich bin nostalgisch und denke an den wunderschoenen wald, ebenfalls voll licht, durch den wir am regnerischen abend spazieren gegangen sind :-). es war aber ein schattenreiches licht, wenn man das so sagen kann, so tief und erfuellt mit der ahnung der nacht...
      ich umarme dich auch, laechelnd!!!

  3. nu stiu cine este aici personajul principal-padurea,cerul sau lumina?... sau acea "zona de torsiune",de care vorbea einstein,in care rotocoale de lumina fac din tine o faptura cu ochii intredeschisi?...imi imaginez aburul de ceai verde,la 9 dimineata,in aceasta padure,si genele mele se scalda in matase...
